Cub Scout Leader Training

Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America's Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section's topic. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online.
This Is Scouting
This Is Scouting provides an overview of the Scouting organization, including history, values, programs, Youth Protection, community involvement, and training. The module consists of six video sections, each followed by a brief quiz. Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes.
Den Leader Position-Specific Training
The link below is to the syllabus that is to be used by trainers in presenting the stand-alone den leader position-specific course. This course is intended to provide Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den leaders with the information and tools they need to conduct successful den meetings. Den leaders who complete the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos training, along with Youth Protection training, are considered trained for their position.
Chartered Organization Representative Training
The training outline and resources for training chartered organization representatives can be found at the link below.
Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster Position-Specific Training
The link below is to the instructor guide that is to be used by trainers in presenting the stand-alone Cubmaster and assistant Cubmaster position-specific course. This course is intended to provide Cubmasters with the information and tools they need to successfully lead a Cub Scout pack. Cubmasters and assistants who complete this training and Youth Protection training are considered “trained” for both positions.
Pack Committee Challenge—Pack Committee Position-Specific Training
The Pack Committee Challenge is designed for pack committees and is the course (along with Youth Protection training) pack committee members need to be considered “trained.” The instructor’s guide below is for trainers to conduct the course for pack committee members.
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
This one day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for those leaders who are interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO is an instructor-led course which is conducted at the Council level. BSA's Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the necessary tools to help units carry out a successful camping experience.
Completion of this course is mandatory for at least one adult on a Pack overnighter.
Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders (OWL)
This course is designed to help Webelos leaders enhance the outdoor program for the Webelos Scouts in their den by teaching some basic outdoor skills as well as skills needed to complete many of the Webelos activity badges. This course can be taught as a stand-alone experience but is often presented in conjunction with Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS).
STEM Orientation
These courses are intended to be used to provide an orientation for Scouts, Scouters, and parents about Scouting and the STEM program and the STEM opportunities in Scouting. The instructor-led course is designed to be used with the STEM Orientation slide deck at roundtables and other training events.