Trailblazer Merit Badge Info

The Dean of Merit Badges is Shawn Hopke.

To sign up as a merit badge counselor initially, the following forms need to be completed and submitted to the Council office:

Adult Application.  Even if one has been submitted for another position, a separate one has to be completed for merit badge counselors.  The Scouting Position Code is "42", and the "Scouting Position Title" is "Merit Badge Counselor"

Merit Badge Counselor information:

To add or remove badges from your list of badges you are able to be a counselor for, just complete the Merit Badge Counselor Informatin form with changes.

Current Suffolk County Council policy is to limit the number of badges that a single counselor can be registered for at 15 badges.

Every year, all Merit Badge Counselors must retake the Youth Protection Training course.

Any questions regarding the District Merit Badge Counselor list, signing up to be a Merit Badge Counselor, or anything regarding Merit Badge Counselors in general should be addressed to Shawn Hopke.

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