Trailblazer Roundtable - Feb 2025

179 East Main Street
Patchogue, NY 11772
Kimberly Koch
Attention Scouters!!! February 12, 2025 I will be teaching my class Women on the Trail to complete my Woodbadge Ticket! I will be teaching it at the Trailblazer Roundtable at 7:30 located at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church on Main Street in Patchogue. Anyone who wants to attend is welcome and bring as many friends as you would like. This class is not just for female Scouters it is for all Scouters. We cannot lead our youth if we are not properly trained. We cannot help build a better program for our Scouts if we are not properly trained. If you cannot make it to this meeting but would like to attend a future class please message me so we can discuss that.