Summer Camp 2025

Cub Scout Programs 

Watch Our Cub Camp Video

There are a lot of good reasons for going to summer camp. It's always fun doing things at the waterfront, BB range, archery range, and craft center. It's fun sitting around the picnic table with a circle of friends. It's fun to learn something new in a science activity, and it is really fun to participate in skits with new friends. We take fun seriously in our Cub Scout programs!

Summer camp is a big part of the Scouting experience, so choose the camp which gives the most value and fun for your time and money. That would be one of our Suffolk County Council Cub Scout Camping Programs. It's where your scout is the center of attention all week long. The fun starts upon arrival and gets better every day!  

Click on the links below to learn more about our Cub Scout summer camp program offerings.

Cub Day Camp at Baiting Hollow - OPEN TO ALL YOUTH, NOT JUST SCOUTS!
Cub Resident Camp 
Cub-Parent Weekends 
Family Camp
Cub Science Day Camp


Other Cub Scout  Events for Summer 2025

Cub Parent Water Fun Days

  Scouts BSA Programs

Watch our latest Scouts BSA Summer Camp Video here.

There are a lot of good reasons for going to summer camp at Baiting Hollow Scout Camp. It's always fun doing things at the waterfront, rifle range, archery range, and craft center. It's fun sitting around the campfire with a circle of friends. It's fun to learn something new in a merit badge class, and it is really fun to watch the sun set at the beach on Long Island Sound. We take fun very seriously at Baiting Hollow!

Summer camp is a big part of the Scouting experience, so attend the camp where you are going to get the most value and fun for your time and money. That would be Baiting Hollow! It's where you are the center of attention all week long. The fun starts the moment you arrive and gets better every day!

Click on the links below to learn more about our Scouts BSA summer camp program offerings.

Troop Camp 
Rising Sun Camp 

Specialty Camps

Family Camp


Interested in joining our Summer Camp Staff?   Apply Here!

Click HERE for the 2025 Campership Application 

You can see other videos here.